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Jeroen Bosch

Jeroen Bosch was born around 1450 in the Vughterstraat in 's-Hertogenbosch.

He learned the painting trade from his father. He was a member of a family of painters. His father, uncles and brothers all worked in the studio. When he was 12, the family moved their studio to the market square. Jeroen and his brother Goessen received their painting training there. He probably followed further education in or outside 's-Hertogenbosch. Around 1480 Bosch married Aleid van de Meervenne, a woman from a prosperous family. This was a marriage beyond his means, both financially and intellectually. His wife owned a house and some land. Despite that it was not a rich life, Aleid even had to sell some lands to make ends meet. Bosch is known for his satirical works and the sometimes dark or mysterious character of his paintings.

Demons and other mystical creatures, as well as nature, play an important role in Bosch's paintings.

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