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Vincent Van Gogh Image

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh was born in 1853 in the town of Zundert. Vincent maintained a warm brotherly bond with his youngest brother Theo.

After Vincent worked for an art dealer in The Hague, he moved to Paris, where Theo lives. This move has a lot of influence on the development of his painting style. After his activities in Paris, Vincent travels to Provence. Vincent lives like a poor slob and often has no money to make. Theo often has to send him some money or pay his bills. Vincent becomes depressed and spends his borrowed money on alcohol. The doctors are afraid of depression and that leads to admission to a psychiatric institution. In May 1890, Van Gogh left the asylum in Saint-Rémy. He leaves for Auvers-sur-Oise, a town near Paris. The location is ideal: removed from the hectic pace of life in Paris and at the same time so close to the city that regular visits to his brother Theo are possible. He works hard and produces almost a painting a day during these months. But unfortunately things go wrong again with Vincent, he becomes mentally ill.

On July 27, 1890, Van Gogh walks into a cornfield and shoots himself in the chest. He stumbles back to his room, where he dies two days later on July 29.

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